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Build Your Own Time Sheet Application Using Power App

If not Now, When???

Productivity is never an accident. It is always the result of a commitment to excellence, intelligent planning and focused effort.

The Time lost is never found again, so don’t loose your time even for a second!

Keep track of all employees, your day’s schedule with the help of a simple Time Sheet Application using Power App.

Step 1: The Time Sheet Section

1. Date: In this field user can choose any date before today to entry any timesheet details.

2. Days: In this field user see automatically the day is coming when user select any date to the previous field, it will auto populate

3. Staff: If an organization use this type of application, they can give access to entry timesheet to their selected staff. Here the login staff automatically populated.

4. Client: This is the client section this field is mainly for the workers, who was work for that organization the selected staff can choose that Client/Employee.

5. Shift Type: In this field user can choose working shift type.

6. Shift Time: In this field user can choose working shift Time.

7. Start Time: In this field user select working start time.

8. End Time: In this field user select working end time, and it will automatically calculate the working hours.

9. Pay Item ID: Using this id the chosen client gets there per day payment.

10. Description: In this field user can write the extra notes.

Step 2: This is Attendance Section

Here admin can see all the attendance details entered by staff

Here we are showing the total working hours details based on the shift type and shift time for the selected staff.

Step 3: This is Work Chart Section

Here admin can see all the clients work chart details under the selected staff.

This is calendar view of clients work chart details

In calendar admin can see the work chart details based on the date also, here we filter all the work details and client names for that selected date.

Here admin can edit and delete the work chart details.

Step 4: This is Holiday Section

Here admin can add holiday. And admin can edit & delete it.

This is the holiday add section, here user can add any date and mention the occasion.

Step 5: This is Pay Items Section

Based on the earning name the clients will receive their payment, this is the dashboard section here we show all the earning types.

This is the pay item creation section, here admin can create pay items and select any client to pay based on the earning name.

For further queries or demo please comment below or contact us.

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