If you have a business and want to send secret information to your employee or a client, here is the solution for you.
You can create a secure pdf document, and the password in power automates and sends it via Email using instant flow.
Let's take an idea of a small business,
Suppose you are an application developer and want to sell the code of the application to the client, and you have to secure a file due to privacy reasons.
How can you secure code? And send it via Email?
Using power automation, you can easily create a secure pdf document and password in power automate software and send it via Email using instant flow.
Let's see how?
Step 01; For a selected file
In the first step, you have to start with the trigger flow named For a selected file.
By building a new instant flow, you have to select a selected file to start your flow.
When a selected file is once opened, you have to give input Click add an input.
Set the name of the input Email
While creating a secure file, you have given input as an Email so that no one takes to make a file without you.
Site Address; Insert the address of the pdf file where the PDF is located in your Sharepoint.
Here I use site address Secure-IT team site - https;//secureitpro.sharepoint.com/
Library Name; Insert a Library name of the PDF file, which is the main library of the selected file.
Here the testdl is the library of my main selected file, which I have to send.

Step 02; Get File properties.
The second step is to use connector Name with getting file properties for inserting a site address, Library name, and the central part of this step is inserting ID.
Again here, you have to use the same site address which you used in the first step.
Which I used here is the Secure-IT team site - https;//secureitpro.sharepoint.com/
NOTE; you have to use your site address and library.
The library name will also be the same which you have used in the first step.
Which I used here is testdl
Insert the ID from the Sharepoint.
Every file in Sharepoint has its unique ID.
ID is used for tracking documents in Sharepoint.
For more information about ID in power automation, select What is ID in power automates?

Step 03; Get file content.
In the third step, you have to use the connector name by getting FILE CONTENT.
In this step, you have to insert the site address you used two times earlier in about sections.
Which I used here is the Secure-IT team site - https;//secureitpro.sharepoint.com/
NOTE; you have to use your site address
File Identifier; As I mentioned in the above section, every file in the share point has its unique identity. Therefore, to track the particular identity, you have to use the file Identifier from Sharepoint.

Step 04; Compose 2
In the fourth step, you have to use the (compose 2) trigger.
Here you insert input from Sharepoint file content.
The content is available in a PDF document or a code that is available in a PDF document.

Step 05; Compose
In the fifth step, you have to use a connector or trigger Compose. In this step, you have to input as a substring function.
It will generate a random figure or a password for your file.

Step 06; Protect pdf document
In the Sixth step, you have to use a connector or trigger as a "protect pdf document".
That is the primary step of this flow.
Document Content; Insert a documented content which you have created in the third step from Sharepoint.
Enable printing; If you select "yes", the client or a person you are sending the file can easily print the document.
Here I selected "NO" Because I didn't allow my client or the person I am sending a file to print a document.
Enable modification; If you select "yes", the client or a person you are sending the file can easily modify the document.
Here I selected "NO" Because I didn't allow my client or the person I am sending a file to modify a document.
Enable Extract data; If you select "yes", then the client or a person you are sending the file can easily extract data from the document.
Here I selected "NO" Because I didn't allow my client or the person I am sending a file to extract data from a document.
Enable Annotate; If you select "yes", then the client or a person whom you are sending the file can enable annotating content from the document quickly.
Here I selected "NO" Because I didn't allow my client or the person I am sending a file to enable annotating from a document.
Pdf Owner Password, Pdf User Password, Password.
All these three steps follow the same condition: insert an output you get from step five from "compose" in all three stages.

Step 07; Create a file.
In the Seventh step, you have to create a final integrable pdf file using the "Create File" connector or trigger.
Site Address; Use the same site address which you used in the previous steps.
Folder Path; Define the folder path of your new file.
Here I used for mine is /SharedDL.
File Name; Insert file name for the new file.
File Content; Insert file content that you get; as a Result file after completing the above steps.

Step 08; Create a sharing link for a file or folder.
In the eighth step, you have to create a link for a pdf block file that you send your client or whom you want to send so that they can easily access your file by just clicking on the link.
You have to use "create a sharing link for a file or folder" as a connector or trigger.
Site Address; You have used the file address which you have used in your previous steps.
Library Name; Insert a library name of a new file you have created in the above step.
I used it here is /shared DL.
Item ID; Insert an item ID that we have created already from A Sharepoint.
Link-type; Specify the link type that should be visible only to the client or whom you are sending the link or team.
Link scope; You can select link scope "Anyone with the link, including anonymous.

Step 09; Send an email to (v2)
In step Ninth, you have to use a connector or trigger "Send an Email to v2".
You have to insert the Email address of a client or whom you are sending a link or file.
Insert subject of the link.
Insert a link to the pdf blocks file in the body so that the client or whom you want to send can open it.

Step 10; Send an email to (v2) 2
In the tenth step, you have to use a connector or trigger "Send an Email to (v2) 2".
Insert the Email address of a client or to whom you are sending the password.
Insert Subject of the Email so that client can understand easily.
Insert the Password file in the body so that the client or whom you are sending the file can access the password easily.

Note; You can send an integrable Pdf document link and the password file together in one Email, but here I used two emails to better understand a client or whom I am sending.
I hope you understand,
If any question arises in your mind, comment below, we will help you.